This is NCP’s COVID-19 protocol for the 2023-2024 school year. COVID-19 regulations are constantly changing, so this protocol may be modified as appropriate throughout the school year. Additionally, opinions within our community regarding regulations are diverse. As our board developed this COVID-19 protocol, our main goal was to provide maximal in-person learning with minimal disruption to our classroom routine. Additionally, we wanted to layer in strategies to protect members, both students and working caregivers, of our NCP community who are at high-risk for COVID-19.
Our GENERAL GUIDELINES are detailed below. Please be aware that each class may shift to more stringent guidelines in certain scenarios.
● Masking: Masks are optional both indoors and outdoors. Situations which will require masking are detailed below. ● Ventilation & Handwashing: Handwashing and disinfection procedures will be in place. High grade ventilation was installed in 2021. ● Pre-plated Snack: Communal snack indoors. Multi-day classes will include the “Snack” parent pre-plating food, rather than children serving themselves. Students may bring water bottles from home, depending on the class. 1-2’s and Family class will continue to bring their individual snacks. ● Cohorts (small groups) when appropriate during high transmission. When students are in closer proximity during times of high transmission, such as snack, students may be spread out or assigned to cohorts. ● Stay home when sick. This includes fever, vomiting/diarrhea; sore throat; nasal drainage/cough; and rash. See handbook for more details. We want to keep our community healthy from all germs, not just COVID-19. ● Let your teacher or class coordinator know immediately if you or your child test positive for COVID-19. ● School supply of rapid antigen tests. NCP will have a limited supply of rapid antigen tests available for families. Families are strongly encouraged to order free tests from starting September 25, 2023.
- Class participants with a known exposure to Covid-19will be required to wear a mask and monitor for symptoms for 10 days and encouraged to test every 24-48 hours for 5 days. They may continue to participate in school unless they start feeling sick. Students under 2 are not required to mask.
- In the event of a known positive case during class, the entire class will be asked to follow exposure protocols, including masking for 10 days (ages 2+). Masks will be required indoors and outdoors. Multi-day classes will be asked to bring individual snacks. 1-2’s and Family class time may be reduced to allow for decreased class size and increased distancing.
- Class participants who test positive for Covid-19 may return to class after 5 full days of isolation if they test negative on an at-home antigen test or have improved symptoms and are fever-free for 24 hours without use of medication. They must remain masked in class on Days 6-10. Participants who cannot effectively wear a mask may return after 10 full days of isolation. If you have any questions or concerns regarding any of the above information, please remember to reach out to the Board Chair, your teacher, or your class coordinator. Our teachers continue to work tirelessly to support the growth and education of our children. It is the board’s job to help families feel their voice can be heard and make the “bigger picture” decisions.
Thank you for your partnership and here’s to another wonderful year at NCP!
What to do if you have a known COVID-19 exposure outside of NCP:
You are NOT required to quarantine and may attend school if there are NO symptoms.
Required to wear a well-fitted mask for 10 days indoors and outdoors.
Notify your teacher and class coordinator about the exposure.
Monitor for symptoms.
Encouraged to test immediately post-exposure AND every 24-48 hours until Day 5. Ask your teacher or the COVID committee if you need rapid tests.
1-2’s and Family Class: Students under 2 years of age are not required to mask. PCR test is encouraged at Day 5.
Teachers may make modifications to snack (e.g., increased distance from peers or alternative snack locations for class). Pre-plated snack will still be provided for multi-day classes.
What to do if you have known COVID-19 exposure while at NCP (positive case in class): ● You are NOT required to quarantine and may attend school if there are NO symptoms.
Required to wear a well-fitted mask for 10 days indoors and outdoors.This will include the entire class and working parents. Individuals who may not have been present during the contagious period will also be asked to mask during the 10 day period to reduce potential additional exposure.
Monitor for symptoms.
Encouraged to test immediately post-exposure AND every 24-48 hours until Day 5. Ask your teacher or the COVID committee if you need rapid tests. If an individual tests positive, notify teacher and class coordinator immediately.
Bring a snack to school. Snack may be held outdoors or spread out for increased ventilation and distancing. Students are required to bring individual snacks in all classes.
1-2’s and Family Class: Students under 2 years of age are not required to mask. PCR test is encouraged at Day 5. Class time may be shortened to allow for decreased class size and increased distancing.
What to do if you test positive:
Notify your teacher and class coordinator. One of them will reach out and confirm dates.
Stay home for 5 days.
Day 0 is the start of symptoms OR date of positive test (if no symptoms)
Encouraged to test at home at Day 5.
If positive: continue to isolate until negative OR Day 10.
May return to school on Day 6 if:
If symptoms have improved AND
No fever within 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medicine)
Required to wear a well-fitted mask for Days 6-10. If unable to wear a well-fitting mask, individual is required to isolate at home for the full 10 days.